Misty Schwab
March 6, 2019
A church in Lonsdale erected in 1878 and rebuilt in 1899 still holds value even though the congregation moved to a new building more than 30 years ago.
Growing up in Northfield, Nancy Halverson Norton remembers attending services and family reunions at the original Trondhjem Church, located at 8501 Garfield Avenue S. But apart from her family’s connection to the church, she appreciates the building’s representation of immigrant history and Nordic culture.
“We really have to capitalize on our ability to be more than just an interesting place whose ancestors went here,” said Norton, who now serves as president of TCPS (Trondhjem Community Preservation Society) Board.
Thanks to a $15,000 matching grant through a Philadelphia-based organization called Partners for Sacred Places, Trondhjem Church gets a facelift this year. But instead of modernizing the building, the grant projects help restore the church to its original appearance.
Read the full article at Lonsdale News Review.com