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2022 Year-End Assets

Combined assets of MACP grantmaking entities Margaret A. Cargill Foundation and Anne Ray Foundation: $8,013,460,000

Total combined number of grants paid in 2022: 341*

Total combined dollar value of grants paid in 2022: $302,780,000

2022 Grantmaking By Domain

*This excludes employee matching gifts and employee service awards.

A Note About Our Structure:

Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies is composed of two grantmaking foundations: Margaret A. Cargill Foundation and Anne Ray Foundation. Margaret A. Cargill Foundation is a private foundation that spends at least 5% of its assets on charitable activities over time. Anne Ray Foundation is a supporting organization, which makes grants to organizations named in its formation documents. It spends at least 3.5% of its assets on charitable activities over time.

While our two entities have different governance structures, we operate as a combined organization with shared staff, grantmaking strategies, processes, and platforms. The two foundations share administrative costs and operating expenses, with the intent to maximize resources available to support charitable activities. In addition, our investment strategies and our charitable spending support our founder’s desire to operate our grantmaking programs in perpetuity, offering permanent sources of funding to the causes she valued.